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6499 人参与  2022年01月30日 22:14  分类 : 论文摘要  评论

For the developing countries international trade is the important policy for economical development. From this aim this study searched international trade and economic development policy is beneficial for Turkey or not. Study firstly focused on international trade and economic development searched through historical survey. These surveys focused on two time periods which are the time periods before World War Two and the time periods later than World War Two. Because before World War Two there were not any theories in economic literature and after World War Two because of the competition between Western Block Countries and Eastern Block Countries, the major focus of economic theories was economic growth subjects. The results of the historical survey suggested that lots of factors effects the relationship between the policies of international trade and economic growth the result was unclear. And than econometric data analyses applied to the time series, used to determine whether there was a long-term relationship between the variables or not. In this thesis, ADF test had been used. On the base of econometric methods, some advices were proposed. From the econometric data results have been achieved that for the whole period there is cointegration relationship long-term relationship between variables but for the sub-periods economic policy and its reflections to international trade policies were different.





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